Legal System vs. Economy

Not much of a post, just a half-digested rumination: I wonder if our bloated legal system adversely affects our economy as much as does our bloated federal government?  I can’t help but think that all the wasted time, money, and effort thrown at so many legalistic “splitting of hairs” doesn’t erode our prosperity.  While overhead such as this wasn’t a big deal when America had no competition, will it knock us from our prominence in the future.

And why oh why is English so friggin’ hard to spell?  What nitwit invented this language anyway?

Now I’m curious about something.  What does it take to get your blog “noticed” by the search engines?  For example, if I type in something like, “Is there any truth to the rumor that Michael Jackson had sex with horses?”, will this webpage turn up on a Google search for “Michael Jackson”, “sex”, and “horses”?  Will I get hate mail from rabid Michael Jackson fans?  Will millions of people suddenly click on one of my affiliate links, (not likely – I haven’t set them up yet!), and make me a rich man?

Will some idiot, in league with some scumbag lawyer, (“scumbag” and “lawyer” – I wonder what the correlation between those two words is?), sue me for something?  Can I sue YOU for reading this?  (Why not?)

By the way, I DARE you to click on <a href=””>this link</a>!  Whoa ….. you can’t embed HTML in WordPress?  I’m used to Blogger, and this is easy.  Obviously I’m missing something VERY basic here.

12/30/2014 update:  It’s been more than FIVE YEARS since I fussed with this blog!  The least I could do is fix the friggin’ link!  Unfortunately, whatever I was linking to at the time is dead now, (if, in fact, it ever existed!).

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